Thursday, February 16, 2012

What is your view on inter-religous marriage?

Definitely not for me.

When both parties are serious about their religions, it's a recipe for trouble.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?i think its an issue the people involved can only resolve for themselves-

i'm not opposed to it, just looking at the reality practically.

inter-religious marriage is the same thing and brings the same issues as inter-racial, inter-socio economic status, inter-cultural marrieage, etc.

meaning- its success or failure depends on a number of important factors involved and the feelings and stregth of the individual's religious beliefs and thier skill at communication and resolving arguments and disputes.

if you have two stubborn screamers, who are both devoutly religious- you got a problem.

on the other hand if you have two people who couldn't give a crap about thier religion and are very able to communicate and deal with and resolve issues then you have a near-non issue.

most people fall somewhere in between in this scenario.

i think that couples who don't address the issue and discuss it before getting married, are making a huge mistake. but that would be the same as not discussing a vast number of things we can chalk up to "differences" in a relationship.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?
If you're in love, you can work out the differences----but do it and be clear BEFORE you marry.

My dad isn't Catholic and my mother was a devout Catholic. They were the first inter-religious marriage to take place in an Archdiocese of Philadelphia church rather than the rectory back in 1960. It was far from perfect, but they loved each other immensely until her death in 1996. My father still loves her deeply.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?Hard to marry someone who believes that humans are better/more evolved/superior than other animals. I couldn't do that...just the thought of it irritates me.

I guess it works if you make it work.
I have no problem. My cousin is marry to Christian. I have many friends who marry Christian-Muslim. I will marry either.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?People make it work all the time, as long as they're mature and understand what they're each bringing to the table.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?
People who love each other should get married, despite believing in different imaginary sky fairies
Marry who you love. I was agnostic when my Catholic husband married me.What is your view on inter-religous marriage?
Never let anyone tell you who you can marry, period!

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