Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is the difference between auto mode and program mode on my samsung sL502 digital camera?

I just got the new Samsung SL502 digital camera and all the modes are kinda confusing. Im not sure what the difference is in the program, auto and smart auto modes? Which is better to use? And I cant really figure out how to correctly use the Digital Image Stabilization mode, it always come out blurry. HELP!What is the difference between auto mode and program mode on my samsung sL502 digital camera?I prefer to think of Program mode as a "semi-automatic" mode. As Jim states, it gives you a little more control over some of the features. I like to use it to be able to turn off the flash in low-light situations, enabling the camera to automatically adjust the settings to give a "what you see is what you get" picture. Of course as Jim also states, in Program mode you may have to pay attention to other things, like keeping the camera extra steady.What is the difference between auto mode and program mode on my samsung sL502 digital camera?Program mode simply means some control - not full but some. On my XS for example I can control the focus points but that's about it.

On Auto you're operating with the camera making all the decisions.

IS is not a cure all for shaking hands or a lot of camera movement. That is simply if you move slightly while the shutter is open it will help to stabilize the shot - that's all.

All of the answers you're asking for here will be in your owner's manual - have you read it?What is the difference between auto mode and program mode on my samsung sL502 digital camera?Reading the User Manual that came with your brand new camera will help you to fully understand how your camera works and what all it's features, modes and settings do.

So...please READ IT.

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