Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What do you think about inter-faith relationships?

I'm muslim and my boyfriend is christian. My boyfriend I truly love each other although we have different religions. What do you think about relationships such as ours? And is anyone in a inter-faith relationship?What do you think about inter-faith relationships?I have been in an interfaith relationship for 10 years. We have been married for 6 of those years. I think interfaith relationships can be trying, but rewarding as well. You get to see things from another's point of view that you might not have ever considered before. As long as the two of you are accepting of one another's faith, it's a beautiful thing.

The trouble comes when people of either of your faiths start giving you a hard time about being together. For instance, my husband is Agnostic and I am Christian and it was difficult for us to find a pastor that would marry us. Equally as difficult was putting up with some of the inane comments that people would throw at us, like "He might beat you or something because he doesn't have that Jesus background to fall back on" or "I really don't think you two should get married because God doesn't want Christians and non-Christians to yoke together."

My beliefs have taught me, just as my marriage ceremony stated, that "what God has brought together, let no man put asunder." You are together for a reason and perhaps that reason is to teach each other and the people around you that we can all live together peacefully and in harmony, no matter our personal beliefs.What do you think about inter-faith relationships?I think as long as both parties respect each others beliefs, everything should be ok. and as long as you dont let other people (family) comments get to you.
  • portuguese translator
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