Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?

Typical liberal tactic is to equivocate things that are actually very dissimilar.Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?They are different. Different races have no differences beyond the cosmetic ones, but different sexes have different "hardware" so to speak, so to equate having the right to pick a different skin tone with picking incompatable hardware is not valid.

Most political tactics, reagardless of their aim, use illogical or unprinipled comparrisons so as to coerce people into what's being espoused, because to use logic would sometimes lead people to the conclusion "I might be wrong", which cannot be accepted. The alternative is to give the ILLUSION of being in the right by appealing to an emotion not meant to be appealed to.Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?
the ARE comparable, because in either case marriage is a civil right, and to deny it to to to two consenting single adults is discriminatory.

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Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?Marriage is about building a stable society, not about the state endorsing gays sticking you know what into you know where.

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The truth is that "gay marriage" is completely different from inter-racial marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, (Matthew 19:4-6) and the homosexual act is clearly forbidden in the Bible. (Romans 1:26.27; I Corinthians 6:9,10; I Timothy 1:9-11) God does not have any problem with inter-racial marriage. The mark of Cain (Genesis 4:15) and Noah's prophesy about Canaan (Genesis 9:24,25) were not about skin color. The Israelites were forbidden from marrying the people who lived around them because of their corrupt religious practices, of worshiping idols and human sacrifice, and not about skin color. The Israelites and their neighbors were probably the same shade of brown. Today, most non-whites are better Christians than most whites.Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?Because they're a part of society too. They have families and customs they grew up with just like everyone else. But gays in church is a separate question from the one you asked first.

I haven't heard people equate those things either. Obviously they're different in one is heterosexual and one is homosexual. But if people do compare them for the sake of making progressive arguments it's cause blacks and whites once could not marry, but as wisdom gained a little more power and numbers, that ignorance was put at bay for a while and interracial couples could enjoy the same freedoms as others.

Now that society has progressed to the point where gays no longer have to fear for their lives when they come out, we can discuss their right to engage in matrimonial union, a long-standing tradition that they don't want to be excluded from based on other people's ignorance. That's how the two are the same.Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?
Well, because both are essentially about being denied the lawful representation of their love.

In the case of inter-racial marriage, it was based on the notion that a person with a particular skin colour was either superior or inferior, depending on which one you viewed, and thus, such 'interbreeding' shouldn't be allowed. This was deemed to go against Nature and God.

With gays, it is based on the notion that homosexuality goes against Nature or God. The inferiority inferred is that, because the person is drawn to his or her own sex, they are 'misdirected' and thus, inferior in some way, or craven, and thus must be stopped, prevented at all costs. For the good of this thing called a 'soul' or because it 'goes against nature'.

In both cases, no one is being harmed. We're smart enough to see that people are all part of the human race, now. There is no 'inferior/superior' when it comes to colour, because we're all genetically pretty much the same. So, when I look at my gay brothers and sisters, I think, they have a reason to be the way they are, and what does it harm anyone?
It depends on your perspective. If you do not believe in gods then it is a legal contract. If you believe in god then since the 16th century when the churches, Catholic and Protestant made it a sacrament, then you would put a religious homophobic spin on it, if you were that sort of Christian. The Anglican church in England seems pretty cool with it, but then again the modern Anglican church seems more interested in the message of peace, love, tolerance and not judging people rather than the superstitious theological dogmatism that fundies seem so obsessed with.Why do people equate "gay marriage" with inter-racial marriage when they are obviously totally different?
They are similar in that at one time many people felt they should be prohibited on moral grounds.

It seems you can accept one, but not the other. However, you are fast becoming part of a minority. Regardless, it does not seem to be government's job to regulate morals, only legality. If you feel that your personal moral standards do not allow you to marry a person of the same sex, then I would have no problem accepting that you should not do so, regardless of your sexual orientation.
The only reason the two are equated is because certain religions are against both so often times people who are anti-gay are usually against interracial relationships as well. Also, people who are racist tend to be homophobic and vice versa. At least that is how it works in american culture.
gay marriage is closer to saying that you flew to work in your car..You can call a car an airplane all day, and even make it a legal obligation....but its still a car.

gay marriage is closer to incest masturbation and beastiality...its all about the pleasure.

plus they are jelaous that they do not have the unequaled joy of unexpected pregnancy like us heteros!

it can and will not ever be equal.

laws or not. gay marriage is a contridiction in terms. They need to invent a whole new word

I think its OK.....but who wants to be "OK"......
the gay people are gay lol yeah i know im a racist,sovinist and lots more but i like beeing honest more than foney anyways gay people dont understand that churches dont accept gay peoples ways of living they say they will burn in hell....why would you want to be in a organization that hates you!? lol
Good point. There is nothing immoral about a black man/white woman or hispanic man/semite woman relationship, as long as they are Christian. Gay marriage is not real marriage under any circumstances.
I think they may be intending to 'combine' rather than 'equate'..sorta like how you may be misinterpreting what they are saying, writing, equivocating....%26amp; attaching this to liberals also equates to your misrepresentation of terms...
Hmm. . .both involve laws that forbid one person from marrying another person. Yup, completely different.
The same groups that once spoke against interracial marriages as a vile and biblically condemned practice is now back in force speaking about gay marriage using the same script and tactics.
I don't know of anyone that does "equate" them.There is nothing wrong with inter-racial marriage.
Because they are racist and homophobic.
I've never heard of anyone equating one with the other. I agree they are separate things and there is nothing wrong with either one of them.

hope that helps
the discrimination involved is strikingly similar
to be honest, i really don't care what gay people or interracial couples do in the bedroom.

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