Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?

I means that mairages among cusions and cusion couse some abnormality in their childern. Is it tru Explain why?Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?Marriage among first degree cousins and even 2nd degree cousins can bring abnormalities to the babies they will bear. here are some facts about this issue...

NEW YORK, Mar 30 (Reuters Health) -- The risk of losing a second child to stillbirth or infant death is higher for parents who are first cousins than for unrelated parents, according to a Norwegian study.

The research team notes that marriage between first cousins is common in some countries, and that their findings "have public health implications."

Dr. Camilla Stoltenberg of the National Institute of Public Health in Oslo, Norway, found that for parents who were first cousins, the risk of stillbirth or death before age 1 for a subsequent sibling was 29 out of 1,000 if their previous child survived, but 116 out of 1,000 if the previous child died. In comparison, these figures were 17 out of 1,000 and 67 out of 1,000, respectively, for parents who were unrelated.

Stoltenberg and her team compared 629,888 births to unrelated parents to 3,466 births to parents who were first cousins in Norway. In the report, published in the American Journal of Public Health, a journal of the American Public Health Association, the researchers note that in a number of countries, between 20% and 60% of married couples are related by blood. In Pakistan, for example, 49% of marriages are between first cousins. The frequency of marriage between first cousins is 31% in the United Arab Emirates, 30% in Iraq, 28% in Saudi Arabia, 32% in Kuwait, and 35% in Jordan.

In Norway, among ethnic Norwegians, less than 1% of marriages are between first cousins.

The investigators explain that marriages between cousins have cultural and economic advantages in some parts of the world, yet "knowledge of the advantages and the risks associated with consanguinity is essential to decisions about public health measures."

Marriage between first cousins increases the probability of homozygosity -- having two identical copies of any given gene-- for the offspring, according to the researchers. They conclude that inbreeding leads to a higher risk of recurrence of stillbirth or infant death because of the increased proportion of homozygosity for disease-associated genes among offspring of parents who are cousins.

"The aggregation of stillbirths and infant deaths is stronger in consanguineous families than in families with unrelated parents, which is important for the distribution of burden of disease and death in populations," Stoltenberg's team concludes.

SOURCE: American Journal of Public Health 1999;89:517-523.

there are more sites on the web to help you understand this issue better.Goodluck on your search.Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?
i think that its because in the family there are higher risk that they have a genetic condition (such as cyctic fibrosis) they could just be carriers and not know this at all. if they have children with someone not related to them then the chances of that person also being a carrier is GREATLY reduced so yes...i guessit increases the chances of passing on faulty genesSom people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?First off looking at your Spelling, Your Parents may have been related.

Second, ARE YOU SERIOUS? YES, It's bad TOO much of the same genetic code can cause tons of problems.

Seriously, It's not only a proven medical fact It's also against the Law in some states. So before you go boinking your C-O-U-S-I-N

You might want to check with your local law enforcement agency.Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?
in a marrige from relatives, we can think more of genetic diseases! this is true. knowing that every child takes 50% of his genetic material from his mother and the other 50% from his father, if his father had a genetic disease, we have 50% chance of getting the disease ( i am considering only autosomal genes). however if the parents are related and both had the same ancestor (grand father) we have 50% chance taht the mother and the father have the same gene... hence in getting married they will have a very high risk of giving birth to an affected child!... however if they got married from someone out of the family and he does not have the trait of the disease, the risk of having sick child is 0%...

however this does not exclude the chance of getting married from a carrier and returning back to the same conclusion (in this case it is like being married from a relative)...

it is a matter of luck and statistics!Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?It's mostly BS. The only problems arise if there are genetic problems that can be "doubled" by both partners carrying the genes for the problem.

Go ahead and marry your 1st cousin. It'll work out fine.Som people suggest that inter relative mairages are harmfull for the next generation.Is it tru?
100% it is the same blood and DNA abnormalities occur once mixed!

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