Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?

Pregnancy can be a stressful time for women, especially for their skin. Renowned health and well-being guru Miriam Stoppard offers her tips on keeping skin looking great during pregnancy

Pregnancy hormones bring about huge changes to almost every part of a woman's body, from skin and hair right through to teeth and gums. To keep their pregnant bodies in top condition, mums-to-be need to adjust their daily skincare and pampering routine to ensure that they feel and look great, right up to their due date and beyond. Here are Miriam Stoppard's Top Tips for Pregnant Skincare:

Check the suitability of your normal beauty products

The first thing to do when you find you are pregnant is to check the products that you would normally use. You may find that some products are unsuitable for pregnant skin. If you are at all concerned then switch to products which state they are suitable for use during pregnancy

Avoid using soap

Soap removes natural oils from the skin, so try using a moisturising body wash instead. This will maintain the essential oils in pregnant skin and promote a healthy glow

Don't spend too long in the bath

Prolonged contact with water dehydrates the skin and can leave it looking dull. To avoid this use a moisturising bath soak to re-hydrate the skin

Protect your skin

Skin pigmentation can change during pregnancy and skin may tan/burn much more easily. Look for products with UV filters to help and make sure you pay special attention to your face and hands

Feed your skin

The turnover of skin cells is accelerated during pregnancy, so make sure you nourish and moisturise more than normal to keep skin looking healthy

Get to grips with your bump

Skin is under a lot of pressure during pregnancy especially in the abdominal area. Massaging your bump with a tummy massage gel will keep skin supple and elastic in areas prone to stretch marks

Don't water it down

After you wash, use a good moisturising body lotion to keep your skin in tip-top condition and to counteract the drying effect of waterHow can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?Some people call emergency contraceptive pills "morning after pills," but you don't have to wait until the morning after. You can take the pills right away or use them up to five days after sex if you did not use birth control, you think your birth control failed, or you were forced to have sex. Also, the sooner you take emergency contraceptive pills, the better they work.

You can use pills labeled for emergency contraception or certain brands of daily birth control pills to prevent pregnancy after sex.How can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?
If u r un married then first choice condom, it will protect from STD
2nd choice birth control combined pills, it will not protect from std

if u r married and want to plan family first choice is Copper T and 2nd choice is pills, or condom which is not liked by most couples they want real touching skin to skin.

If u want to prevent pregnancy may be caused by your sex in last week, first establish u r pregnant, if u r pregnant and married then continue it
if not married then go to lady doctor for termination.
best is get married the boy and continue itHow can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?You may already be pregnant. I do not understand your question. You prevent pregnancy BEFORE sex, not after it.

Are you referring to abortion?

There are millions of places on the internet to find birth control information. Only an idiot would be asking AFTER sexual intercourse.How can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?
taking daily hormonal pillsHow can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?CondomsHow can you prevent pregnancy ,even being enjoying inter courses daily since last week?
if you enjoy the enter courses only in dvd or net

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